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  • Elliot DateMon Aug 20, 2012 2:51 pm

    [widget=1]Name: Elliot Lloyd

    Age: 15

    Height: 5’6

    Weight: 115lbs

    DOB: August 1st

    Build: Lanky and thin, but enough muscle underneath

    Eye Color: Light blue

    Skin Color: pale

    Hair: Ginger

    Facial Features: lots of freckles. Awkward high cheek bones but a strong nose

    Background: Elliot is of a pure blood wizard family, but they take no pride in a pure blood lineage. Elliot has always wanted to go to Hogwarts. The week of his 11th birthday, he sat on his porch awaiting his letter.

    Race: Human

    Ethnicity: English with deeper Scottish roots


    He finds it hard to meet new people. He’ll try often, but fail and stumble on his words. He’s untrusting of new people due to constant bullying as a child, but desperately wants to trust someone, so the second he forms an attachment to someone he loses all defenses. When he does get past that stage of awkward shyness, he can be a little more relaxed and comfortable around real friends. '
    He can be annoyingly prideful of his knowledge of things. Rarely does he not know something, but if he doesn’t, he’ll pretend like he does. However, he’s a horrible liar, so it’s obvious when he doesn’t know something. He is a horribly passive person and fairly hard to pick a fight with unless you insult his intelligence or say something he finds to be blatantly wrong.

    He is very set in his rules and the way things are done and while you may convince him to ignore you when you are breaking the rules or doing something wrong, he is adamant in his ways. You would have to drag him off kicking and screaming.

    Since he loves books and reading fiction, he tends to be a dreamer and optimistic for the world, but pessimistic about himself due to his low self esteem.

    Strengths: Vast knowledge of his surroundings and rarely doesn’t know what he’s dealing with. Very persistent when it comes to something he wants. Actually fairly strong for his appearance (used to carrying loads of books)

    Weaknesses: Has trouble speaking to people. Very optimistic about his goals and knowledge to a fault, but also has a very low self esteem to cause pessimism in all other counts. Very passive unless he believes something is wrong. Sometimes has problems with panic attacks if the situation is bad enough. Despite being strong, has a low pain threshold.

    Fears: He generally doesn’t like a lot of things, but doesn’t necessarily fear them. He does deathly fear certain larger magical creatures. He almost died when Hagrid brought in a hippogriff. He’s petrified of dragons (then again, that’s fairly a logical fear in the wizarding world) and mermaids.

    Pain Tolerance (optional): Looooooow. Failishly low
    Favorite Food/Drink: Corned beef and cabbage
    Favorite Candy: Chocolate Frogs (but only for the cards) Otherwise Lemon drops
    Favorite Time of Day: Mornings
    Favorite Animal: Frogs
    Favorite Scent: Old books

    Hobby: Reading, taking apart objects to see how they work, flying
    Least Favorite Food/Drink: Fish
    Least Favorite Time of Day: Dead of the night

    Oddities in possession: Since his mind tends to wander, he has a quill that takes notes for him. A music box that’s enchanted to play music based on how you’re feeling (or to help you if you’re feeling down)


    Name: Archimedes
    species: Barn Owl
    Gender: Male

    Typical Attire: Consistently in perfect school uniform. School robes, button up shirt with Ravenclaw tie with black dress pants. For winter he sports a scarf and a sweater vest.

    Formal Attire: His family is wealthy enough, but frugal. His dress attire is hand me downs from his older brother. It’s a simple black dress robe with a silk red bow tie and a large black wizard hat with a wide rim

    Wand : Oak with Dragon Heartstring core, 11 inches, unyielding

Content created by TheTravelingLemon
posts: 48
place: flying the skies
Sex: female

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